在线预定: 17095556971 陈经理黄山翡翠明珠国际KTV有中国风格的豪华建筑会带您进入一个如诗如画的美妙境界。KTV内环境优雅、温馨、浪漫,有最先进的灯光音响设备及镭射影碟,并建有空调、酒吧、大型KTV包间等豪华配套设施。在这里您不仅能在悠扬的舞曲和梦幻般的灯光中消除一天的疲劳,还可以尽情演唱各种不同风格、不同KTv 超一流的音响设备加上悠扬的歌声,以及著名艺人的精彩演出,给消费者带来最舒适的享受,不同包厢拥有不同的装饰风格,交通便利,包房软、硬件设施完善,更有周到、专业、贴心的服务和欢娱节目献给每一位尊贵客人,是请客招待、友朋聚会、自娱自乐、放松心情,营造快乐的理想场所。
KTV luxury buildings with Chinese style will bring you into a picturesque realm. KTV environment elegant, warm and romantic, with the most advanced lighting and audio equipment and laser discs, and the construction of air-conditioning, bars, large KTV rooms and other luxury facilities. Here you can not only eliminate the fatigue of the day in the melodious music and dreamy light, you can also enjoy singing a variety of different styles, different KTv super audio equipment and melodious songs, and famous artists of wonderful performances, to give consumers the most comfortable enjoyment, different boxes have different decoration style, convenient transportation, private software and hardware facilities, more thoughtful, professional, attentive service and entertainment program for every guest's reception, party, friends, entertain and relax, the ideal place to create happiness.打电话给我时,请一定说明在手机黄山信息网看到的,谢谢!
KTV luxury buildings with Chinese style will bring you into a picturesque realm. KTV environment elegant, warm and romantic, with the most advanced lighting and audio equipment and laser discs, and the construction of air-conditioning, bars, large KTV rooms and other luxury facilities. Here you can not only eliminate the fatigue of the day in the melodious music and dreamy light, you can also enjoy singing a variety of different styles, different KTv super audio equipment and melodious songs, and famous artists of wonderful performances, to give consumers the most comfortable enjoyment, different boxes have different decoration style, convenient transportation, private software and hardware facilities, more thoughtful, professional, attentive service and entertainment program for every guest's reception, party, friends, entertain and relax, the ideal place to create happiness.打电话给我时,请一定说明在手机黄山信息网看到的,谢谢!